My life in blips

By Goretex

Lost then found!

I know this a really dull photo to represent the first day of our Band 2 (and associates) Majorcan holiday, but when your case doesn't come off the carousel at the airport, it becomes a very significant photo. When you've been up from 3am, it's the last thing you want to happen. I guess missing luggage will happen to us all at some point in our lives, and it was our turn today! I managed not to cry, not to get angry or display any emotion except 'stressed rational'. You do feel kind of forgotten when you are the one left willing the last bag out on to the carousel to be yours and it's not! You then walk away with nothing, except what you are wearing and carrying. Humbling experience. Our band 2 guys were great and by the time we arrived at the complex, they had clothes parcels organised. I didn't fit Mozo's frilly pink knickers though so left then for Eubers. Kind of him to offer. I could probably survive the week wearing clothes off everyone each day - Mrs Mozo: Sunday, Mini Mozo: Tuesday, Wee Bone: Wednesday etc etc. To cut a long story short, the case was eventually found and delivered to the apartment by 6.30pm. I've never been so pleased to see a case! It meant we were able to go out that night in our own clothes, and averted the 'how many ways can you wear the same knickers' plan!! Although our things are only material possessions and can be replaced, we still seem to take comfort in having our own things around us. I'm sure reflecting on the whole situation, there is an assembly idea/ sermon in there. Let the holiday begin............

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