Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish


The less I say about this image the better given that my children (all grown up I hasten to add) will often read my blips.

The idea was sparked by two other blips, one my own (see comments from Don2532 ) and post by Craftynini.

I'm not sure if it is my age or a consequence of watching TV on your own, but X Factor really got my goat last night. What a load of bollocks those judges talk. Half of the acts were awful but were told that 'they made the song their own', 'they are the full package' etc etc. Not only is it dreadful TV but they are really messing with these people lives and feelings. All but one or two will be dropped like a hot potato when the whole circus is over and how do they go back to normality from this artificial high?

OK. Rant over. Rainy horrible day here, but as I missed out on a day out for Diana's birthday yesterday, I'm going to make sure that we do something today. Shopping this morning (not fun but a necessity) and then a trip to Olney this afternoon to browse some antique shops and have a nice drink/snack in a pub, hopefully one with a roaring fire.

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