Back on the road

Went out for my first run today since the marathon. In the grand scheme of things, 2 weeks isn't too long, but I was quite looking forward to it. I've missed the little rituals of getting ready for a run. I never quite thought of it like that, but there are lots of little things that I do and mentally check off.

I got to the park and was waiting for my Garmin to locate its satellites and It's My Life was playing and I couldn't help but crack a little smile. I only went for a 5 miler, and it might not have been the quickest or the prettiest of runs, but it was good to be out. Good to remind the legs what they should be doing. Good to be back on the road.

I then met the folks for hot dogs and a wee wander in ikea. A good day.

Today's run: 5 miles
October running mileage: 5 miles
2013 running mileage: 880 miles

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