horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

A terribly civil celebration

My sister, Sam (top left shot, on the right) and Joss (on the left) got married two weeks ago, and today was time for a wee family meal celebration. They'd done it all with as little fuss as possible, having a few friends as witnesses, followed by a schlep up Simonside for a few celebratory bubbles, and a long weekend in a rented house out in the Northumbrian countryside. Perfect.

It's one of those things that I'd have loved to have been at to celebrate with them, but I always say that people should do weddings how they want to do them and how they want to remember them, and everyone else should just sod off and keep their opinions to themselves. That they managed to do just that is great, and I'm so happy for them both. It was also about bloody time.

Nice day all round, a wee spin to Corbridge where Mel spent a fortune in the fab shop 'RE', having a walk with Sam, Mel, and Meg (Joss and Sam's pup) in a nearby wood, and the meal at Irvin's was pretty damned good (even if the end-of-meal madeleines were... odd....). Drive up, home for midnight, and bed.

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