
By Ellaphant

Volcanic Vases

A rainy day, as you can see.

I bought these in Legaspi City, Albay, The Phil., a town I've visited since I was about 4. My stepfather used to manage the branch of a national bank there. These were bought almost three years ago, however. The material used to make these terra cotta items contains volcanic ash from Mayon Volcano, the most beautiful in the world with a cone that has remained almost perfect despite frequent and regular eruptions. We have experienced climbing it in the middle of a Signal 1 warning, which means that the volcano is rumbling in the early stages of a possible eruption and that, in that case, only scientists are allowed to proceed further.

Yesterday, I received the BLIP camera from Farishta and used it today. We first had a nice chat on the phone and plan to meet each other soon, weather permitting or not (although a rainy day poses more limitations). I found my stranger and will be mailing the camera to another blipper by tomorrow. Hopefully it will find him in better weather.

Still can't complain, though ... it was a splendid summer which poured warmly into autumn for weeks. That is something I am truly grateful for and happy about.

PS. For some reason, although I modified my settings for this, no map has appeared. No matter ... the stranger shot was taken in the municipality of Halderberge.

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