
By Oceanspirit


I found myself in church this morning!

Well, I took my son to take part in the Harvest Festival Celebration as he has started to go to Beavers (the youngest branch of the Scouting Association), and they paraded into the church as a troop and made us all proud.

I've always found churches to be calm and wonderful buildings and I'm always amazed at how such stunning structures were built so early on in history.

However, I still can't get my head round the whole religion thing. I had a fantastic History teacher at school who taught us all about Darwin and the Theory of Evolution, and having quite a logical thought process, I can see how the world could have evolved over the last few thousand years. Believing that there is a 'God' in heaven who created it all in a week just doesn't make sense to me.

Based on history, and some of the horrific things that have been done in the name of religion to keep the population under control, I'm keeping an open mind and continually reading and learning until I come to my own conclusion (this may never happen!!)

Memorial's like this don't really help. A poor Mother and Father losing their son and the image is a skeleton with a spear taking a soul away.

Quite Macabre!!

But I do love looking round these old buildings and learning a little more about the local history etc.

“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.”
Robert Fulghum

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