
By Brookeside

Dinner party!

Today mummy and I went swimming then I had a sleep and mummy didn't want to move me so she sat in the car downstairs from our house. Daddy felt sorry for mummy so he brought her a cup of coffee and toast and bacon to the car! Then when I woke up I had my lunch and then we popped over to see gran and papa as they were away for the weekend. They brought me back some jammies! Then we went to Katie, Scott and Ryan's for a dinner party. It was great, we had a brilliant time. Ryan and I ate all our dinner and we were allowed some ice cream for dessert. We were very good at playing nicely (most of the time) and Ryan was very happy to give me lots of cuddles which was lovely but a bit over enthusiastic at some points! I was very tired after my long day and went to bed as soon as we got home :)

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