Jessie and his Ladeez

So Jessie is definitely a he so will eventually be going. But the other 4 are definitely ladies. So that is good really. They are all looking very lovely too.

I went for a leg wax while MrRoly did swimming duty. All went we until mid afternoon when my legs hived up good and proper :-( Ah well, hirsute is to be embraced again.

The afternoon was spent faffing about with cocking curtain rails. I swear I am going to pull each one down and just go without only none of the windows fit so the drafts would give us all pneumonia or somesuch.

Bella decided to make cakes for Margaret next door and we all went round. I think she was touched that we were thinking of her.

MrRoly then left for his night out with the boys at The Wheelhouse. I believe WAGs are invited to the next one but I shan't get excited yet! I watched Casualty in front of a cracking fire. Rock and roll.

Again I don't know why it is sideways. Neither do blip. One of life's little mysteries...

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