Ashleigh Joys Photography

By AshleighJoy

Cream Of Leek And Potato Soup

Again from the Wilson Farm Country Cookbook....

3 tbs butter, 6 cups sliced leeks (5-6 white part only), 3/4 cup coarsely chopped onion, 4 cups peeled 1/2 in diced potatoes, 4 cups chicken broth, 1 tsp salt, 1 1/2 cups cream, 1/8 tsp pepper...and I put cheezits on top for noms!

melt butter in pot, add leeks and onion and cook until wilted but not brown (5 min). Add potatoes, broth, and salt and bring to boil. Lower the heat and simmer, covered for 20-30 min or until the veggies are tender. Puree, then add cream and pepper.
It says when serving put some chopped chives on top...but I did not have any! Instead put cheezits on top...VERY GOOD!

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