wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


So our early setting off time didn't really work. Departing at 8am turned into getting up at 8am and departing at 9:30. Ooops.

Nellie offered to drive me to Seattle, reasoning that she'd then also be able to visit her baby nephew who leaves just outside the city. It's about 2 hours on the road, beginning with beautiful scenery (and a few dead racoons on the roads) and ending in urban sprawl. We each had our roles - Nellie was to watch the road, and I had to watch the scenery. I was happy with my end of the arrangement.

It was an uneventful drive. We listened to the Muppet Alphabet Album (everyone needs to, it's the best thing ever), and regretted forgetting some snacks. Eventually we made it into the city where the biggest challenge was still to face us. First we found our way to REI, where Nellie hoped to get some new walking boots. I found some shoes on the clearance rack, but no boots for Nellie. Trouble was looming.

We found the hostel. Drove past it. Drove past it again. Found it again. But could not find anywhere to stop. It's just over the road from Pike Market, so it's chaotic around here! Eventually we stopped in a carpark, bought our token, looked in the window of the neighbouring car to see how it was meant to be placed, and then realised we'd bought the wrong ticket. $5 for 2 hours vs $10 for half an hour... Well we didn't really want to spend that much on that little. We dithered for a while. Then someone parked on the street walked to her car and I pounced. I explained our predicament, using my most pleasing Australian accent, and she offered to give her spot (where we had the valid ticket) to us, Nellie just had to pull up right behind her and grab it when she pulled out.

The kindness of strangers.

Crisis averted.

Car parked.

We went down to the hostel, I checked in, dumped my stuff, and we went down to the market to find lunch. By this time it was mid-afternoon and we were hunnnnngry.

After food everything seemed much better. And then we found the Greek yoghurt stall. So many flavours. We were in yoghurt heaven, especially because they let us try as many as we liked. So we chose (eventually), and settled in the sun to eat our deliciousness.

Then it was time for Nellie to leave and me to have a preliminary explore of the city. I was pretty tired by this stage, so I didn't go far, just noted a few places to visit over the next few days. Sunset rejuvenated me for a while, and I lurked on a hill trying to get stalker shots of people photographing this sign and the light, but had no success. Dinner in a (not very good) Thai restaurant, a little bit of tv at the hostel and then it was bedtime.

We survived our drive to Seattle (thank you Nellie!), and I my first night in this new city. All ready to explore it.

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