barking mad!

By mcd3

Noo & J

After a long flight arrived back at Heathrow for the first time in 9 years - forgot just how busy it was!! The queue at passport control was massive! Emerged from customs and put my plan into action! The plan being to surprise my gorgeous friend Noonie whom I hadnt seen since she visited us in Perth 5 years ago. I had somehow managed to contact her very new hubby without her knowing (I had never met before but got in touch through someone that I thought may know him on FB!) So hubby, Jonathan, picked me up from Hammersmith tube, dropped me off at their flat and went back to work, I felt as though I had broken in ...very awkward!! Anyway we met her in the pub - back turned to her - so worth it! and then it just seems as if you never not seen each other! A few drinkies, a lovely curry, more drinkies lots of laughing and of course a wee bit of a sing-a-long! zonked .......

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