barking mad!

By mcd3

The longest day ......

Summary of todays comedy of errors: awake at 5, packed up, big sis Sue drove me to Gatwick to catch Edinburgh flight at 9, checked in, flight delayed till 11.50, flight cancelled, Scottish man looses to the plot!, baggage reclaim for 1 hour, American woman whinges very loudly for the WHOLE hour! Scottish girl tells her to "zip it lady", up to check in again, queued up, ticket for 5.30 flight from HEATHROW, ticket for National Express bus to Heathrow, boarded bus, driver took 55 mins trying to remove seats to accommodate a wheel chair, check in at Terminal 5, "would you like a 10 pound voucher or to use the BA Lounge?", lounge please, everything is free - oh you beauty!, posh people eating wee fancy sandwiches with a knife and fork, WT??, couple of vinos and very good people watching, dont miss flight! down to gate, on to bus, bus turns back as the plane needs a new tyre, eventually board the flight, up & down, arrive in Edinburgh at 8.30pm ......worth the wait to see my lovely Mum & Dad.

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