'500th Blip'

Made it, 500 consecutive blips.

Thanks very much to everyone out there in the blip ether who takes the time to view, comment, leave stars and faves, it's always very much appreciated but I don't always have the time to respond personally.

It's been great getting to look through some amazing photography that you all upload here and I feel that there is still so much to learn. I've even had the opportunity to meet some of you in person which has always been a great pleasure and privilege. Also great to see other parts of our world which we live in, through your daily offerings.

Another real Melbourne day today, cold, wet, sunny, grey, cloudy, a bit of everything rolled into one except heat. I think the temp only reached around 16 degrees this arvo.

Also today we sent the Boy Magician off to school camp for two days. He told me yesterday that he was a bit worried about going with his foot injury and the teachers might not want him to go, but MsMun received a text message from his teacher Michael today telling her that they were at Healsville Wildlife Sanctuary and that Dylan was being chauffeur driven around in a wheelchair.

The house is certainly a lot quieter and calmer tonight that's for sure, but I could tell when I arrived home tonight that it hadn't been an easy morning to get everyone organized and off to school as there was a clean tea cup next to a waiting teapot and kettle, a plate of half eaten breakfast next to the sink and dishes stacked up on the benchtop. My suspicions were confirmed tonight when MsMun arrived home.

Hope he's in bed now, as it's just gone 8:45pm, but I doubt those boys will be asleep yet. Of course we all miss him dearly though.

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