When the going gets weird

By Slybacon

The Magic of Cinema

I took a trip up to Cameratiks today. The grip I got with the D300 fell apart and I wanted to see if there was any chance it could be fixed (which was a resounding no unfortunately). I also wanted to see if they had any old manual wide angle lenses going cheap I could use. Definite no on the second point too. In fact, the prices on some of the lenses were pretty eye watering.

Then the bad news continued when I tried to revisit an abandoned building. Security had been back and put new locks on. Kill joys.

Ended up returning to the David Peat exhibition at Dovecot for a second viewing. Well worth it too. So far, I've managed to not but the book that goes with the exhibition.

Grabbed this shot of the Dominion whilst in Morningside. Such a lovely building. Shame it doesn't really show much in the way of decent movies.

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