Day 1

Pollok House & Burrell Collection (shocked to hear the Burrell will be closed for 4 years from 2016 for refurb - 4 years!)
Ikea - completely random purchases including a panda and a £1.50 carafe (need wine now to try out carafe)
Office - to pick up a notebook I need for my first bit of studying (supposed to have 3,500 word essay done by week on Friday - hahahaha)
Home - boys playing Wii

Random - The other night youngest and I were sitting watching tv when he turned to me and asked:
Mum, if I can't afford to buy a house when I grow up, will I be...will I be...(eyes welling up)...will I be a hobo?
Why, yes you will, best start saving, I said.

I didn't really say that. I told him I'd buy him a house and he'd never be a hobo (hope he forgets).

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