Difficult to be angry....

.....with him for sloping-off from gardening duties when you see what he was doing instead.

I slept until 9.24am (I almost never sleep-in these days), our active day in the hills must have caught up with me, and of course the unwinding effect of not being at the dark satanic mill.

After a breakfast of honey* buttered toast and strong coffee, we attacked jobs around the house. Nancy sanded and painted window frames, occasionally freaking out at the part-digested meal baskets stored by our army of house spiders, and I cleared Ladies Mantle from the garden. It's quite a bonnie wee plant, but it's also highly promiscuous and it covers the garden before you know it. Cutting it back to attractive clumps is a task to be done whilst supping on cider in the autumn sunshine.

I'm sporting a sore back now, so it must be time for a hot bath.

Oh, my iPhone 5S came online today, so yet another Apple product to add to my bulging collection.

Oh, oh, the new T-shaped chimney cowl arrived from Inverness too. I could barely contain my excitement.

* eyewateringingly expensive honey - £7.95 a jar

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