Chick Flick

By Flick

Sunny Bee

The sun has shone continuously ALL day.
Three cheers for the sun! Hip Hip Hooray!
Blip indecision AGAIN today. I have a landscape and a bee.

Anyway I have chosen this because it shows the sunlight.
The shrubs in my garden have all been battered by yesterdays heavy rainfall.
I think I will be pruning and tieing back over the weekend.
The bees were out in force today I suppose because they have been trapped indoors for so long they had to get out to get supplies.
There was NO bee shortage in my garden today although I didn't see a honey bee.

I'm off out now to babysit as my daughter is going to the Dogs ie Greyhound Racing It's someone's birthday.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Will be watching Beckhams return to the England side and hoping Steve Mclaren loses his job.

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