Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Memory Park

Today OMG a street photo with actual people in it! xP It was easy and non-threatening, as I was probably close to invisible, being as how I was pointing my camera at the sculpture in Memory Park, so the couple walking by wouldn't have felt as though I was photographing them at all. I actually was just intending to get the sculpture/installation/memorial thing, but decided I'd snap off a shot while they were still in frame. It's definitely better than the subsequent shot without them.

Larger you might get a better view of the cool-but-creepy way the busts of the soldiers seems to fade or blend in to the trees behind. I rather like it.

I also looked up.

A little while after getting that, while continuing on my walk from Penrith to Nepean Hospital, I happened upon another specimen of the Greater Urban Shopping Trolley (sp. Pemriffia). I surmise this one was pursued by something fearful, and sought sanctuary and succour in this church.

At home this evening, popping outside to the trees, I found this rather macabre tableau. Best I can figure, the casing didn't split enough to let the poor thing out, and it just expired (well, almost; it wibbled a foreleg about a half a millimetre while I was there, at which point I tried to extract it from its prison, but I fear to no avail). It's rather (morbidly) interesting to note the transparency, and the blueness which I presume - as in us - indicates deoxygenated blood, as the poor thing lost its battle for life.

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