
By stephenmarsh3

It's MOBO Man.

I'm up in Glasgow today and having a very frustrating time of it. The place I normally have lunch decided that they weren't cooking after 1pm so we had to find somewhere else. Four restaurants later we eventually found a place that didn't have a huge queue. Tried to park the car, after five different machines wouldn't accept my money - any of it- I gave up. The opticians that I had planned to get new glasses from didn't have the ones I wanted in stock. The camera shop that I wanted to buy a new camera from didn't have a new one in stock. Linda went looking for shoes and apparently they no longer make shoes in her size. Checked into the hotel to discover that it's full of Croatian football supporters. Nothing against Croatians. I'm about to go to the pub and I pray that they haven't run out of lager!!!!
So, to the blip. The 18th MOBO awards are being held in Glasgow this weekend and I passed by this chap singing his heart out in Argyll St. Thought it was a bit cheeky so that suited me down to the ground.

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