A photo pauses the moment

By Lozzy

Jon was off today and we all went out for some lunch and to try and book a kilt for Jon's brothers wedding. We also got Sophie an outfit, this was a real compromise as she doesn't like bows on the front, or buttons, and she wanted it to be white this narrows it down significantly... Anyway, as we were walking back to car she spotted her 'perfect' dress! It was Ted Baker though and £60+..... I doubled checked the price as it was hanging near the sale section and it was reduced to £20!!! One happy girly and mummy!!!

This is her posing in said dress.... she wants to sleep in it!

And yep, she is only 5!!! Not sure if it's a girl thing or just her, but she is really picky with her clothes! Alfie doesn't glance twice at what I put on him x

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