
By cowgirl

Who's That Girl?

Woke with a bad head, nothing new there, so decided to get some fresh air. When I got to Cowhill Field ( as we call it because there's a steep hill and there are usually cows in it! ) the cows were all congregated around the style.

Usually I'm not bothered about them, but the bull was in with them and I could see there was a bit of unrest in the group, so I spent several minutes just talking to them and photographing them.

Some got quite curious and came closer for a sniff. The bull kept his eye on me the whole time. Some didn't care about my presence at all and were all busy chewing the cud. Even the curious ones carried on chewing inbetween sniffs. It was like being at a chewing gum conference!

It was lovely to be with them for a few minutes, quiet and peaceful.

They soon got bored with me though and 'moo'ved on ( ha ha! Oh, I make myself larff! ), even the bull, so I was able to carry on with my walk.

Such a lovely day today, so made the most of it by doing a bit of gardening and cleaning out the guinea pigs. This afternoon Sav took me for a coffee at Pickleberry.

Just blipping quickly before tonight's dinner will be ready. We're having falafel, hummus and salads, yum!!

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