The Orient Express

By koko

Higgerty the rescued hog

On hearing that Sally needed fleece blankets for the hogs, i collected some together along with tins of dog food and called round. Sally rescues hedgehogs and returns them to the wild when they are recovered. This little baby was found outside a school with cuts to the face and as far as hogs go Sally says hes a little grumpy. She searched for the nest but failed to find it. This was the only one she could show me as she said the rest were too poorly. l really admire the work she does as she funds it all herself, also caring for her young son. Also fitting in as many talks as possible to promote their awareness, please check any bonfires you are having before lighting and if you find a hedgehog that is on the small side they probably need your help with feeding. Dog food is good.
If you can help with more fleece blankets or funds for her to buy more dog food let me know. Higgerty needs you.

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