Fish and chips at The Met

I feel like a broken record but I swear Audrey is teething again. For almost a month now she has had all the symptoms but there is no sign of a tooth. Today was classic teething Audrey.

Decided to try the old 'pram walk and lunch' combo of old. Packed her lunch and some books/toys and we set off for the Met in Didsbury. The sun had just come out after a downpour and I took this picture looking through my favourite snicket in Chorltonville. On one side the houses are £100k more expensive than the other. Incredible!

It felt good to be pram walking again. I don't do it as much these days. It feels noticeably heavier though. Not like the old days with a little baba in there.

Audrey fell asleep on the walk which should have been a disaster for our routine but I shrugged it off and got to the Met early and enjoyed a coffee and my magazine while she snoozed. She was in a comparatively great mood when she woke up and she helped me demolish a beer battered cod and chips. We even sat on the sofa and watched a Peppa Pig together on my phone in front of the open fire. It was rather lovely.

Felt I needed to walk home after the fish and chip indulgence though so abandoned the original tram back idea and got my march on.

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