View From The Study

By StudyView


A week if gardening beckons. I just can't stand the overgrown mess anymore, and there are tree saplings that need moved too. Hope and I did 2 hours today and cleared about 10 sq feet of weeds and wild strawberry plants, and I took out a hideous rose bush and a big fast growing woody thing. Who knows, I might even have time to plant some stuff later in the week.

It's a Tuesday so the girls have gone but it was good to have them here longer; we do seem to be relaxing into a routine. They are now back on Sunday so a short period before school.

Tried making a veggie noodle soup tonight as a dry run for when I have visitors in a couple of weeks. I like it but I finally opened the Sake that my friend James brought back from Japan in 98. I hope the date on the side was the brewed on rather than best before!

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