My changing life

By Shelley2011


This banksy has appeared down my street - I'm sure it's a rip off as its pretty badly done!
Felt ill this am still - up half the night couldn't get comfy
Stayed in and chilled until 12 and then took melody to bubbalicous - which she loved - lots of tents and shops out today - she was very funny at song time, being very demanding about what songs she wanted (hates row ur boat now coz of the lion!) and nursery said she hates any roaring (they do animal noises in circle time apparently)
Someone crashed into my car in the way - really nice about it and will sort out other dents I already had anyway - then melody had pain in her lady garden :( so took her to docs and they gave her some cream.. But she really enjoyed the docs (I think coz of Sarah and duck episode!)
Sara's just come round now with a huge bag of Biden clothes and Chinese - happy days :)

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