The Pevensie Dilemma

By PevensieDilemma

Lights Will Guide You Home

I started work a little later than usual today which meant it was already very dark when I left the office.

Thankfully, the quiet path to the station was well lit so I knew where I was going.

The journey from the station this morning was quite different.

It was raining when I stepped off the train so I put up my hood to avoid getting my hair soaked.

My hood is quite big and immediately flopped down over my eyes - reducing my visibility to about 4 feet.

To be sure I was heading the correct way - and not about to step into the road - I had to keep lifting my head and the front of my hood.

The uncertainty I felt when my hood covered my eyes reminded me of a very familiar feeling we've all probably experienced once or twice in our lives.

It's that feeling where we are about to step into something new - and potentially unknown - but we're not exactly sure what the new thing looks like - until we actually step into it.

For the businessman - or even the entrepreneur - this can bring real feelings of trepidation, but also of eager anticipation - and sometimes excitement.

But what of the frail heart?

What of the one who has been stuck in a situation or in a circumstance or in a cycle of behaviour for so long that the thought of stepping into something new and unknown causes immediate paralysis?

What if it's not what I imagine it to be?

What if I get hurt?

What if I have to change something about me?

What if I lose friends?

What if I fail?

What if....?

Sometimes, we simply need to have faith that the next step will be beneficial to our journey.

Sometimes, we simply need to trust that the next step will teach us something about ourselves that we wouldn't otherwise have known.

Without the next step, where am I?

What is the impact on me if nothing changes?

What are the consequences if things stay exactly as they are?

When is the right time to take the next step?

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path ~ The Bible

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