the colour green

By jukeys

washer woman

Spent the day doing computer work, tidying the house, and clothes washing. The weather's crap so it was the perfect day for it.

Had a lovely skype with Luce which brightened things up no end :) Also chatted to my sis on the phone for a bit. Tomorrow's an important day for her and I'll be thinking about her lots.

Locked the hens in over at dad's place. The white one was doing her usual i.e. sitting up 4 metres in the air in the tree behind the house. Had to throw stones up (not at her, don't worry) to persuade her to come down...which she did and then promptly ran into the coop. Perfect :) It would be great to let her roost up in the tree but a fouine could get her so easily in the comatose state hens go into after dark.

GBBO at dad's and then bed.

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