It's A Jungle Out There !

Well it certainly felt like I could have done with a machete to clear a path as I scrambled through all the overgrown trees and bushes surrounding the old long welded rail sidings and wagon sheds just North West of Motherwell Station on my lunch break today as I was on a route refresh day doing all the diversions in Glasgow and Motherwell areas so after contacting the Signalling Supervisor at Motherwell Signalling centre and told him what I wanted to do he gave me the ok to visit the old overgrown sight as I would not be crossing any live tracks even although I am trained to do so this was out the way but I just went through the proper channels to keep my self right during my lunch break so after a foive minute scramble I reached the hidden siding and I will also create a folio page with other shots including inside the sheds with the old rails still in situ along with the gantrys that are all but covered up by trees out side that once loaded long welded rails onto the wagons that would pull alongside the long lodaing bay/platforms sad to see it all rotting away in the undergrowth but I love getting the chance to photograph these places for others who are not lucky enough as me to visit these sites so I will let you know when my folio is done for anyone interested in the other shots I felt like I was in a scene from some war movie hacking my way through all the tangle to get everything on camera but it was worth it all the same anyhow now then movie for the day is "The Emerald Forest 1985" Looks good LARGE as well See Ya. PS Folio album added under title Old Rail Depot Motherwell

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