my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie


Sam thought it would be nice to make some nibbles for N & A coming round today. Ever since we got our shiny new oven, we've been joking and doing the whole GBBO staring through the window thing.

I must say, the cheese scones were awfie tasty.

David Kay's theory on scones is rather amusing.

This is being backblipped with a huge sigh of relief. Only just realised on Tuesday, after deleting all sunday's photos from one camera, that I hadn't blipped yet. fortunately, I've got 3 cameras on the go so the blip was not missed. It's daft that this is important to me. I know that if I allow myself a couple days off, I'll maybe not get back into the rhythm of it and it'll fall by the wayside

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