The Car's the Star

For me (Chris), a regular day but this evening I lead a practical session at my camera club for close-up and macro photography. Having encouraged members to bring small things to photograph (and sources of lighting) I did a short presentation to get everyone thinking about aperture, focus and lighting and then the real fun began. It was a popular session and hopefully sparked all sorts of new ideas as many members circulated the hall just looking at what one another was up to! I used a few recent and relevant blips as some sample shots and explained how they were created to get the session going. I spent a lot of time talking to people and very little taking anything myself but picked today's blip from what I did capture. Overall a success I think.

I (Annie) had my second training day in London and it was as interesting as yesterday. Exhausting though, all that concentrating on new stuff.

A question from today, "what do you think makes an inspirational person?"

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