Cameron's edited life

By cameronmcvean

Life in Glasgow

Scotland's largest city is a very cool place. If you visit, there's a few things you need to know:

1/ salt & vinegar on your chips - NEVER salt 'n' sauce!
2/ The double positive: 'aye, right' is in fact a negative statement
3/ Don't be afraid of the orange girls - it's merely an extreme reaction to the harsh northern climate
4/ For the duration of your stay, your name is officially: 'Jimmy', 'Big Man' or 'Pal'
5/ You are expected to dress up in style, for shopping.
6/ Always, always claim to be a lifelong Partick Thistle supporter (trust me on this one!)
7/The official language is English, despite what you may think.
8/ Glasgow folk are genuinely friendly, warm and accommodating
9/ Fruit and veg is widely available, despite what you may have read.
10/ Football, bevvy and culture is all part of the city life - immerse yourself in all three and you won't go far wrong.

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