Final breakfast

We're off to the airport shortly. A couple of us are flying home but the other ten are heading onwards to Simla, Kerala or Goa for a few days relaxing.

It's been wonderful and, of course, one of the key elements has been the food. We were on a bed and breakfast arrangement and ate at local restaurants or in our hotels for the rest of the time.

At the risk of giving too much information, we've been pretty lucky as far as stomach upsets are concerned. Of course it hasn't been plain sailing but we've all been pretty careful, especially drinking sealed bottled water. And Immodium has played a role:-)

One of the frustrations of early starts, long bus journeys, or four hours in a truck or jeep, is that you daren't be too daring with breakfast. The hotels have mainly had a marvellous range of both "international fare" and local stuff.

This morning's final India blip is of one section of our hotel's hot buffet on my last morning. I would have loved to risk the Idli or the Bhajis but I'm a wimp. I stuck to an omelette (freshly made. There's always an omelette man).

As far as the other foods are concerned, we've had some magnificent stuff. Rich and tasty curries, magnificent breads, dahl, regional delicacies from Rajasthan, tandoori dishes cooked in front of us with traditional equipment and methods.

I'm exhausted but sort of glowing with excitement. It has been such a privilege and we've seen and done so much.

Thank you for joining me - and for putting my tiger on the Spotlight page xx

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