Da boyz

Cousteau and I introduced Bracken to the joys of modelling this evening. He soon got the idea when they were richly rewarded with Schmackos; his favourite treat.

They had great fun sitting and staying and then running at towards me at full pelt.

And I've found my pink jandal (flipflop) now, amongst the curtain. Cousteau enjoys hiding them for me to look for.

Then we headed off for a walk in the park, where we met lots of other dogs and Cousteau and I found out that Bracken had left his hearing at home when I tried to get him to come back. He was far too interested in the other dogs to respond. He got a bit of a telling off for it, but all was soon forgiven.

A quiet night of doing bits and bobs tonight. I'm still feeling very bunged and haven't had much energy today; still managed to run around the park with the dogs though, so not too bad.

Better go and see how Rae is doing in her attempts to get a worm tablet down Pio's throat!

Night all.


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