Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

A free day

Ahhhhh, do you know how nice it was to wake up, double check, triple check my phone calendar, the family calendar and the week's plan to find there there was absolutely nothing to remember or do today. Bliss. I despise rushing and I hate a jam packed day. I used it productively and did very little ;-)

L went into preschool no bother. So after last weeks hesitance it seems she's back on track. A quick and gentle run with my sore hip and I was home with my little girly doing homey things like cooking, washing and putting pictures in frames. L was ideal and was 'helping' when she could. Here she is playing on phone, no doubt ok-ing all sorts of notifications and wiping important things from the memory. I like the way children's cheeks get all chubby and relaxed when they're concentrating on something.

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