family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

Homeward bound

Not my favourite 9 hours ever but it could of been worse. Caleb got given one of the sky cots which meant that Erin had two seats to sleep on and caleb could sleep in that. It was an over night flight so we were hoping that they were sleep for the best part of it but don't think either of them could get comfy. Caleb woke at one point screaming and I couldn't do anything to calm him down. I felt like everyone on the plane was watching us and there was just nothing i could do. I took him into the change room where he woke up and snapped out of it, but he was then awake and we had about 5 and a half hours to go. Thank fully he was a lot better for the rest of the flight and even sat with Erin watching tv for ages.
Towards the end of the flight me and caleb fell asleep again and he stayed asleep right through to passport control.

The drive home was just as much fun, 5 hours from gatwick to Nottingham but that was with a food stop off but still. Caleb caught up on his sleep and Erin caught up on peppa pig and humpf on the iPad :)

It was lovely to eventually be home, would of preferred to be in Mexico still but hey hey.

Washing in, back to reality!

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