
By ChezRobz

Quiet days

Slow days are longed for by now, things have been manic. Today is one of the first days I've felt like I've caught up with enough work to make time for something "us". I've not updated in ages but my images will be uploaded, I refuse to miss a day of his life. I'll have to back blip as well as I can!

I've been busy, so very busy, doing school photos, catching up with orders, travelling, shifting the house around (we now have an office yay!) and generally cutting out a lot of clutter from my life, physical items and mentally. Phew, the fog is clearing and things are getting back into a routine.

The boy is just amazing. He communicates so well, he's pleasant, he has a great character and still has eyelashes to die for. Today we spent the morning building towers, reading books and cuddling, while this afternoon we put on big jumpers and went out to play in the garden. I did have a big walk in the woods planned but it absolutely poured with rain this morning and I'm yet of find wellies small enough for him so that was put aside for another day.

I'm a bit sad tonight, I went to do a print order and I quickly flicked through recent edited images of Noah and couldn't find any I deemed decent enough to print. I need to make more time, I'm missing things that are important! Still, I'm sure he remains one of the most photographed children ever ;)

So, let's do a "where we are list:

Words - mama, dada, cat, bus, this, that, there (dere), Iggle Piggle (deedle eedle),ta, yum yum, popo (welsh thing for pain or hurt)
Signs - more, milk, food, drink, gone, finished, please
He also points like a good one

One of the main new things is his understanding. He now points at any hot beverage/the fireplace/plugs/scissors and shouts "popo" to us as we tell him the same, he knows they are out of bounds and painful. Clever little dude.

He's now crouching to poo (my mother keeps telling me to get the potty out, I know I have to but once I start down this road it's a while lot of poo celebrations and I'm not sure I'm ready for it), he knows exactly what he wants and now enjoys singing! He will "la lalaaaa" along with me and knows actions to most nursery rhymes. We're still at 6 teeth, he runs everywhere and loves to "put" his shoes and socks on (I.e. Dangle them over his toes)

I know parents adore their children but he fascinates me. Every day it's something new! Bus is a new thing. Obsessed with busses. BUS! BUUUUUUUS! Will have to nip into town on one this week I think :)

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