My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Triumph 3HW 1942 Motorcycle

I stopped by Needham Lake this afternoon with the intention of taking an autumnal colours blip, but, in the car park were four 'older' men in motorcycle leathers with four probably older motorcycles.

This one is a Triumph 3HW 1942 343cc single cylinder ohv model. During the war the Triumph factory was bombed and production was started elsewhere, when it was requisitioned and made these motorcycles for the military, mainly the Royal Navy for despatch and liaison duties. Because aluminium was in short supply Triumph had to modify some of the metals used in the engine production and the aluminium head was changed to cast iron.

The gentleman owner says that this particular one has been raced on the Isle of Man in the TT races. It is still going very well considering it's 71 years old.

I don't usually approach strangers, especially four men, and start talking to them but this seemed too good a blip opportunity to miss. Another first, thanks to Blip Foto.

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