Turtle Hunt

A few weeks ago my daughter asked me, "Mom, why do you like to look at frogs and turtles?"

I said, "I find them interesting to look at. Don't you?"

She thought for a moment then said, "Mmmm. Yeah."

So, after that rather unenthusiastic reply, I was surprised to hear her ask this afternoon if we could take the canoe and go look for turtles. She eagerly gathered her net, a bucket of pond water, her paddle, and life jacket while I maneuvered the Old Town down to the water's edge.

We headed out to the little island, where painted turtles often sun themselves on the rocks and logs. We saw a few turtle heads pop up in the duck weed. We weren't fast enough to catch any, but we enjoyed the glorious weather while taking a paddle around the ol' puddle.

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