cat daze


the weight of daze
is a heavy lot
of staring
the moments turn
from days to
years without a
single thought

We had our annual end of season Garden Club lunch out today and put the club to bed for the winter season. The other garden club in town meets during the winter. Our club was started 84 years ago mostly by women who lived in town during the summer months only. It's strange to think of this town as a summer vacation destination, the closest ocean beach is 30 minutes away. There were no ponds or lakes of the swimming variety then either. The ones in town had small mills or iron works nearby in those days making them not the most pristine. My dad swam(in the late 20s & 30s) in the Indian Head River which flows into The North River, and finally the Atlantic. That bit of swimming and rock diving was done without his mother's knowledge. He told me that he and his friends and many cousins always hopped out of the water in the afternoon in time for their hair to dry before they ran home to supper.

The diaries in the basket are for the show, my grandmothers, grandfathers and great grandfathers. Blip has made me so wish I had been a faithful recorder since childhood. Raspberry would rather do what cats do best...

For the Record,
This day came in with glorious summer like weather.

All hands are healthy

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