Lying in the grass ...
Does nothing for ones outfit.
Today I exhausted myself with helping in class 2b ... I have a very healthy respect for teachers ... Unless you have ever worked or helped in a class room for longer than an hour you simply have no idea how much they do !!!! Of course there are some very stupid people out there who bitch about teachers .... Shame on them I say,those sort would not last half an hour with 30 children with various levels of learning ... Anyway mini rant over I have another little tale..
Tits McGee did her usual trick of ending up with dog poop on her hand... She's bloody useless with those poo bags !!! We also encountered Mr Really grumpy up the hills ... There is a stroppy man who walks two big dogs and he ignores anyone who says hello .. So tonight I said to Tits 'do NOT say good evening .. Blank him.. He will say hello and we shall grunt ' sure as eggs is eggs he was so outraged we walked past him that he raised his stoppy fake upper class accent and said 'Evvvvening' to which I relied 'gruuuu' which was just plain rude of me. Tits was so girlie all she did was a funny sniff and a gurgle ... We are so grown up ....
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