The Pale Horse

Oh I *love* night photography :o)

Walking by the light of the moon, seeing your misty warm breath in front of you, night noises as creatures cackle and whoop and rustle and scurry. Your eyes adjusting slowly if you resist the urge to turn on your torch.

I wandered down to the lake and heard ducks and another bird noise I couldn't identify, but I think it was laughing at me.

I took many different exposures and just had fun messing about. I enjoy the pitch black and myriad of stars you get when you're really out of range, but I also enjoy a bit of man made light seeping into the pictures to give them a bit of colour and light up the clouds.

Yeah it was a great night to be out and enjoying a different kind of atmosphere.

And then on the wander back up the hill I saw my Pale Horse munching loudly on grass. I unpacked my camera again and hoped he'd stay still enough for a decent exposure :o)

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