Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Cairo Cafe Scene

Late start to the day as we slept longer than we'd planned. Went over to Zamelek early evening and after a wander and successfully getting credit in our Egyptian mobiles, we had dinner in one of our favourite Italian restaurants here, which not only has the honour of being owned by one of Omar Sharif's sons, but has the honour we bestowed on it tonight: 'the coldest restaurant in the world'. Goodness knows how they set the air conditioning, but it was freezing!! It's put me off going back. Another wee wander after dinner (and took this cafe scene in Zamelek), wondered why the traffic was so busy and then remembered the midnight curfew! A couple of taxis refused to pick us up and the third driver drove crazily fast and then missed the turning into our square, meaning a turn around, and then reversed the whole length of a street while talking on his mobile! Anyway, we got back a safe 30 mins before midnight. Now I know how Cinderella must have felt.

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