Open Letter to Mom - 'Happy Birthday'

Happy birthday mom, we're coming up on eight months since you changed residence. Like that? I'm really working on keeping the right perspective. The 'Have Heart' book was a great read at the right time. I love knowing that we can continue to communicate. It also makes me smile thinking about you performing your daily tasks up there. All that being said, I miss you.

Pop really struggled for a while but has finally turned the corner and has been becoming more and more like himself. He really depends on me more and that's alright. It's the least I can do after all he's done for me.

Lynn has been failing at what seems to be a rapid pace. I'm not sure it's all physical, sometimes I think she struggles more with mental issues. One minute she's scampering about and then the next she can't maneuver around the table.

Sue coined the phrase that the weekly food shopping event is like a trip to the playground for Lynn. I can't believe how much joy she gets out of each visit. When she has a shopping cart in her hand she's as fluid and graceful as anyone else as she moves through the isles.

I've brought this up to Pop so he doesn't rush her through or complain when she doesn't listen. Sometimes she actually ignores me, even laughs at me, and then turns and pushes her cart in another direction smiling all the way.

Caring for her is certainly a challenge but I'm doing okay. I'm sure you hear me more when I'm caring for her then any other time. And thanks for that, and for the sweet answers. They really help.

Sue's been up and down with things. She struggles with Pop and Lynn. I've chosen to love her for what she does for me and not hate on what she can't. We've tried as best as we can to keep a day for just us. It does a world of good.

Your angel Maddy has been the glue. She's so much like you. Her cooking has and continues to bless us all. She even cooked for Pop's 'D' group a week ago. She's wonderful with Lynn helping me whenever she can. And most of all she's the one who always knows when I'm not right (once again like you) and is there to give me the hug I need.

I can't believe there's no more talks… I never realized how much they helped. There were so many little things that are just empty little spaces now. I still can't go to some places, but that'll pass.

Hope you liked the flowers Sunday. They were a nice reminder from Pop. They're resting in the rec-room at home trying to replace your smile, but that 'll never happen.

Love you mom, and I'm sure you know I'll be in touch.

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