Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

First Day At School

I do this every year, take pics for the local papers of the likkle kids on their first day at school.
It always amazes me, their barely and rarely concealed terror, combined with the sheer wide-eyed wonderment at it all.
Elizabeth, here, had no such problems. This girl will go far (and Im not just saying that because she's Ginger)
Truth be told, I spent the morning alternating between suppressing giggles and sobs,- I saw tiny people shunning parents, eager to embrace The Big World, and others, such as Izabella, a Polish twin with not a word of English, utterly lost in a nightmare of incomprehension and lost meaning. All she wanted was her MaMa.
But such are the trials and tribulations of This Life, and we get over them without even realising it.
I do love their eyes, though, and I know, I say that every year.
To the Class of 2009, I say- Hope to see you at your Communion.

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