No such thing as miserable weather

Ar ôl bore hyfryd ddoe, seiclais i i'r gwaith yn y glaw trwm iawn. Aeth y glaw trwy fy nillad 'gwrth-ddŵr'. Roedd hi'n ddramatig. Mae'n hawdd meddwl bod y tywydd yn ddiflas, Ond mae'r tywydd dim ond y tywydd - does dim rhaid i chi deimlo'n ddiflas. (Ond efallai mae canlyniadau ... achoo!))

After a lovely morning yesterday, I cycled to work in the torrential rain. The rain went through my '​​waterproof' clothes. It was dramatic. It's easy to think that the weather is miserable, but the weather just the weather - you don't have to feel miserable. (But maybe there are consequences ... achoo!)

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