
By timon


Last week there was a headline in tabloids that four people have eaten the most poisonous mushroom found in Finland. Three of them are in critical situation.

We have here a so called "everymen's right" which allows you to wander around the woods and pick berries and mushrooms. There are hundreds of species of mushrooms available in Finnish forests. The point is that you only need to know few of them. First learn five and then an other five and when you can recognise for sure 20 that's about all you need to know. Take only those and leave rest, no matter how nice they look.

Today I took the kids to planetarium for an other school assignment. Meantime I had about 30 minutes to explore the surroundings. This is what I got. An other forest detail. I guess it's the one those people ate (Amanita Virosa).

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