
By LynnH


I had to take Forrest to the vets today.

My dogs have always travelled in the back of the car in their crate. However Forrest, in his old age, has decided he will only get out if he feels like it - trust me, you would not put your hand in to try and get him out - grumpy old man is an understatement.
Yesterday I spent 4 hours trying to get him out, in the end I had to phone my daughter as I knew he would get straight out if he saw her as he gets excited when she calls round! It worked.

So did not want the humiliation of getting to the vets and the dog remaining in the car acting like a lion! I clipped him into the front seat belt and off we went. He was as good as gold.....

The news at the vets was not as good. He has to have a lump removed from under his mouth next week - which is fine as its not a problem. But when the vet weighed him he was down to 9k. He was a very chunky 13k for most of his life. He eats more than Moss and I've even been giving him puppy food to up his calories but sadly its not working.
When he is under having the lump removed they are going to run a series of tests, but I already suspect I know the results.

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