Oh the joy...!

Woof... Normally autumn is not my favourite time, because it means that the sun doesn't reach the floor of our living room anymore, and although it still forms beautiful squares of light on the walls, that's no good if your one desire on this earth (food excluded you understand!) is to sunbathe in a lovely warm patch on the floor! Anyway, to get to the point, Bluebellsea and Mr K have redecorated the living room (actually, Mr K did it all on his own while Bluebellsea swanned off to England for a few days) and at the same time, moved the furniture around. The sofa and chairs are now fully in alignment with the afternoon sun as it streams in through the balcony windows. So if I climb up high enough I can get a perfect sunbathing spot... Oh the joy of discovering this (which I did for the first time today!). The coming winter no longer fills me with dread. As long as the sun shines, even when its -15 degrees outside, I can sunbathe to my heart's content! Woof... Life is good!

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