Foundling Bird Toys

Ronnie's project didn't end with illustrating the little story book, he also had to design a stuffed toy or two to hand in, He designed it and moi made the little boy, Foundling Bird, his dear uncle M (MissU2), crocheted the taller figurine and we turned it into the cook, old Sanna, then Ronnie felt there should be something to resemble the forester's daughter, Lenchen. Now, if you read the story, you will know that she changed into a rose, a chandelier and a duck upon the pond, all you could see of her were her mouth/teeth and her eyes, so Ronnie was advised by my friend, Dalene, to make a blankie and fold it into a pillow, and Ronnie decided to have Lenchen's mouth and eyes embroidered on it,

I am so proud to announce that he got a distinction for his project, which I believe was mostly for his excellent illustrations, but the stuffed toys surely contributed a bit as well! :-)

Please DO check out these links if you missed them, the illustrations are stunning and the whole story unfolds!

1. Ronnie's Illustrations.
2. Ronnie's Front Page Illustration.
3. The Forester's Kingdom
4. The Forester go Hunting
5. Rescuing the Child
6. The Forester's Cook, old Sanna
7. Lenchen Telling Foundling Bird
8. The Cook's Kettle
9. The Rose Bush
10. The Church
11. The Old Cook at the Pond

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