Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Dear Cal

hereMy pal Cal came to me for lunch today. You have met her before here . Can't get this to work today Oh Wheel!
We have said to each other how we danced around each other for 20 years, before we became colleagues and pals.
She is a very hard working woman, who tends to take on far to much ; it shows here bless her. She may well look at this, so thats all I'll say on that.
I got into a tiz taking this , so lost my ' take it fast tactic' with portraits. That probably added to her nervousness about this!.
I made us a lovely lunch and Cal bought me a great choc treat. Then swimming. I've not been on my bike for a couple of days. EEK!, my knees are joining in the protest : now that is a frightener.

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